2nd Annual Strategic Learning and Development | Marcus Evans | Germany | 25-27 Feb 2009

2nd Annual Strategic Learning and Development
Improving Your Business Performance by Developing and Optimising Your Learning & Development Methods
Event Date: 25-27 Feb 2009
Location: Frankfurt, Germany

event overview
In the current economic climate, there burns a question in every executive’s mind about how to improve performance of the business and thus generate more revenue. Best companies in the world have realized that by continuously developing and training their employees they can acquire the core competencies needed for competitive advantage and flexibility. An effective training and development program makes the employees committed to the organization and also makes them productive and successful. Employees will in turn be motivated to have self-development and will develop learning and sharing as a habit.

This leads to the need to create a learning strategy that will realize these results. It is an investment that can pay dividends if developed accurately and executed diligently.

This marcus evans conference will bring together Heads of Learning and Development, Training, Leadership Development, eLearning, Talent Management, HR executives from multi sectors to discuss nowadays’ challenges in the field and find the best ways to encourage your workforce to learn. The event will focus on how learning and development moves towards business development, generates changes and how the latest technology can support it.

Key Topics
Driving Learning and Development by Organisational Goals
Connecting, Cooperating, Sharing and Learning: Web 2.0
Proving the Value and ROI of Learning and Development
Changing for Learning and Learning from Changing
Designing a Truly Blended Learning Solution

Key Features
Embed learning mechanisms in core business practices
Integrate informal learning with formal learning techniques
Implement mobile training programmes successfully into the corporate training programmes
Design effective evaluation methodology to measure the impact of learning and development

More information: www.marcusevans.com
Webpage: http://www.marcusevans.com/html/eventdetail.asp?eventID=15077&SectorID=4&divisionID=

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