A Arte como Motor de Desenvolvimento | Jantar-Debate | Porto | 29 de Janeiro de 2009

A Arte como Motor de Desenvolvimento
com António Gomes de Pinho Presidente da Fundação de Serralves
Porto, 29 de Janeiro de 2009
Restaurante da Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda (Avenida da Boavista, 4245 - Porto)

mais informação: http://www.apgei.pt/

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3rd Annual IT Governance | Marcus Evans | Netherlands | 26-27 Feb 2009

3rd Annual IT Governance
Mastering the structure, process, and design of an efficient IT governance system
Event Date: 26-27 Feb 2009

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

event overview
This marcus evans conference will reveal the best practises, strategies, and structures of an efficient IT governance framework. Attendees will depart this conference with an enhanced understanding of effective IT governance practises. Delegates will learn to structure sound vendor management relationships, balance their IT budgets, and effectively manage portfolios. IT Governance 2009 will also provide insight into the latest Green IT technologies and illuminate the most efficient mixed-sourcing models. All in all the 3rd Annual IT Governance conference will provide delegates with the knowledge and skill set to structure and maintain the most efficient IT governance practises.

Key Topics

Key Features
Utilising the latest tools and methods to measure and add value to IT investments
Establishing and maintaining a healthy vendor management relationship
Synchronising IT governance and architecture road maps and investments
Adopting the most beneficial aspects of the COBIT system to use it to its utmost potential

webpage = http://www.marcusevans.com/html/eventdetail.asp?eventID=15242&SectorID=17&divisionID

há condições especiais

The New Marketing Rules | QSP SUMMIT 09 – III Conferência Internacional QSP | 12 Março Exponor | PORTO

A QSP para além da consultoria estratégica e estudos de mercado, organiza anualmente uma das maiores e também prestigiadas conferências em Portugal sobre marketing e gestão.

A edição de 2009, que será a 12 de Março na Exponor, contará com o prestigiado autor daquela que é considerada a Bíblia do marketing - "Marketing Management", ou o livro "Strategic Brand Management" que foi adoptado por inúmeras escolas de MBA´s em todo mundo - estamos a falar de Kevin Keller.

Para além de Keller contaremos com Miklos Sarvary do Insead que abordará a questão das Metaverses ou Internet 3D; Luís Reis da EGP que abordará o tema da Marca; Dick Blatt que foi assesor de Jimmy Cárter e é presidente da Popai Internacional e que fará uma workshop sobre marketing at-retail; Duncan Smith da MindLab Internacional que fará também uma workshop sobre Neuromarketing, Cases como Viño Concha y Toro do Chile abordado pelo director global da marca que é um dos maiores players mundiais de vinhos, You Tube; My Space; Caminho das Estrelas, Magalhães, NBP que mostrará o novo projecto de cidade de produção em Portugal, entre outros participantes.
Pode conferir todo o programa em http://www.qspmarketing.pt/
Espera-se a presença de cerca de 700 profissionais, maioritariamente ligados ao marketing,quadros superiores de empresas e empresários.

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2nd Annual Strategic Learning and Development | Marcus Evans | Germany | 25-27 Feb 2009

2nd Annual Strategic Learning and Development
Improving Your Business Performance by Developing and Optimising Your Learning & Development Methods
Event Date: 25-27 Feb 2009
Location: Frankfurt, Germany

event overview
In the current economic climate, there burns a question in every executive’s mind about how to improve performance of the business and thus generate more revenue. Best companies in the world have realized that by continuously developing and training their employees they can acquire the core competencies needed for competitive advantage and flexibility. An effective training and development program makes the employees committed to the organization and also makes them productive and successful. Employees will in turn be motivated to have self-development and will develop learning and sharing as a habit.

This leads to the need to create a learning strategy that will realize these results. It is an investment that can pay dividends if developed accurately and executed diligently.

This marcus evans conference will bring together Heads of Learning and Development, Training, Leadership Development, eLearning, Talent Management, HR executives from multi sectors to discuss nowadays’ challenges in the field and find the best ways to encourage your workforce to learn. The event will focus on how learning and development moves towards business development, generates changes and how the latest technology can support it.

Key Topics
Driving Learning and Development by Organisational Goals
Connecting, Cooperating, Sharing and Learning: Web 2.0
Proving the Value and ROI of Learning and Development
Changing for Learning and Learning from Changing
Designing a Truly Blended Learning Solution

Key Features
Embed learning mechanisms in core business practices
Integrate informal learning with formal learning techniques
Implement mobile training programmes successfully into the corporate training programmes
Design effective evaluation methodology to measure the impact of learning and development

More information: www.marcusevans.com
Webpage: http://www.marcusevans.com/html/eventdetail.asp?eventID=15077&SectorID=4&divisionID=

há condições especiais

Para Uma Gestão Mais Eficiente | ciclo de seminários | Lisboa | Fevereiro e Março 2009

Caro amigo,

Para conhecimento, eventual participação e, se tanto merecer, divulgação por quem possa estar interessado.

Um abraço de amizade do

Fausto Marsol


O Ciclo de Seminários terá lugar nas instalações do ISEG – Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão - Rua do Quelhas, nº 6, em Lisboa

Os Seminários funcionarão aos Sábados, entre as 9h30 e as17h30, nas seguintes datas:

Seminário 1 – 14 de Fevereiro de 2009

Seminário 2 – 28 de Fevereiro de 2009

Seminário 3 – 14 de Março de 2009

Seminário 4 – 28 de Março de 2009

O número máximo de participantes é de 20.

CEGE - Centro de Estudos de Gestão do ISEG
Rua Miguel Lúpi, n.º 20 - Gab. 206 // 1200-725 Lisboa
Tel.: 213 970 264 // Fax.: 213 979 318
E-mail: cege@iseg.utl.